The 4th annual children’s smagam took place at Singh Sabha Gurdwara, Bradford. Seventy-one children from Guru Gobind Singh Gurdwara (GGSG), aged between the ages of 5-15 years, shared their knowledge of Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s 1st Udaasi. This also included shabad kirtan.
These children attend the Harmonium class and the Sikh Studies classes on Wednesdays and Saturdays at the GGSG.
Nearly 400 children from Guru Nanak Dev Gurdwara, Ramgaria Gurdwara and Singh Sabha Gurdwara, Bradford participated in the program. The theme for this year was Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Udaasian.
It was a joyous and extremely informative occasion, well attended by the sangat from all 4 gurdwaras.
This is an excellent example of the collaboration between the Bradford Gurdwaras.
The whole program was recorded by Akaal Channel and due to be broadcasted on Akaal Channel (Sky 843) and can be watched globally on Part 1: Monday, 23rd October, 2017 at 6pm GMT and Part 2: Tuesday, 24th October, 2017 at 4pm GMT.